Space as God's Presence


  • Patrick A Heelan State University of New York


Religion, Space, God, Quantum Mechanics


It is not surprising that different individuals, traditions and cultures experience the religious dimension of life in different ways. Since religious experience is a divine communication, the study of religious experience is concerned with channels of communication between God and his peoples; different channels, presumably, serve different cultures and historical communities. I take it that religious experience is an experience of a certain kind—of a religious kind. The phenomenology of this experience, I take to be, that it deals with a sense of loving dependency on some Being other than oneself for life's ultimate meaning, some Being in whose presence one stands in unqualified awe and with a sense of sin.


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How to Cite

Heelan, P. A. (1983). Space as God’s Presence. Journal of Dharma, 8(1), 63–86. Retrieved from