Inclusionary Ethics in Giorgio Agamben’s Post-Statist Project


  • Abraham T J Central University of Tamil Nadu


KEY WORDS: homo sacer, bare life, bio-politics, state of exception, real state of exception, sovereign


Agamben employs the figure of homo sacer, a metaphor for the general, insecure humanity to draw one’s attention to the fragility human life in the contemporary world. The political system, instead of ensuring equity, hides the most detestable and unethical of practices and it leaves people without any support. According to him, ultimately only a post-statist sphere that is concomitant of a post-juridical and post-historical phase alone would ensure deliverance from the malaise. The methodology of such a resolution will have the exclusive shape of profanation and messianism.


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How to Cite

T J, A. (2020). THE SACRED, THE PROFANE AND THE MESSIANIC: Inclusionary Ethics in Giorgio Agamben’s Post-Statist Project. Journal of Dharma, 45(1), 87–104. Retrieved from

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