
  • Arvind Sharma McGill, Montreal.


SANKARA'S BHAKTI, Adult Faith, Swami Abhishiktananda


Swami Abhishiktananda was not a regular Hindu swami but rather a French Christian monk who adopted that name upon entering the mode of the life of a sennvssin, his original name being Henri La Saux,O.S.B. The Swami had a strong Advaitic experience upon meeting Ramana Maharsi and he spent the rest of his life integrating it with his experience of being aChristian. In this process he developed a concept of faith which shows an astonishing similarity to the definition of Bhakti attributed to Sankara. As Swami Abhishiktananda did not belong to the Hindu religious tradition or even, in the usual sense, to the orders of sannyasa founded by Sankara, his confirmation of Sankera's definition must be taken seriously into account.' 


Robert A. Stephen's Religious Experience as a Meeting-Point in Inter religious Dialogue.' an Evaluation of the Venture of Swami Abhishiktananda (Henri Le Saux O.S.B.) (unpublished Master's thesis: University of Sydney, 1984).

R.C. Zaehner, ed., The Concise Encyclopedia of Living Faiths (Boston: Beacon Press, 1959) p, 238.

S. Radhakrishnan. The Brahma Sutra: The Philosophy of Spiritual Life (London: George Allen & Unwin Ltd.• 1971) p. 37.

T.M.P. Mahadevan, Outlines of Hinduism (Bombay: Chetana Ltd., 1971) p. 90.

Eliot Deutsch and J.A.B. van Buitenen, A Source Book of Advaita Vedanta (Honolulu: The University Press of Hawaii. 1971) p. 213.

Franklin Edgerton. The Bhagavad Gita I (Cambridge, Massachusetts; Harvard University Press. 1944) p. 118. 119.

Mohini M. Challerji, Viveka-Cudamani or Crest-Jewel of Wisdom (Adyar: The Theosophical Publishing House. 1973) p. 17. 18.




How to Cite

Arvind Sharma. (1990). SANKARA’S BHAKTI AND SWAMI ABHISHIKTANANDA’S "ADULT FAITH" . Journal of Dharma, 15(3), 240–245. Retrieved from