Devotions In World Religions


  • Thomas Manninezhath CMI dvk


Devotions In World Religions


We live in a world of devotions. However secular the world is, new trends of devotions and devotional expressions are ever on the increase. On the other hand we also have a world of thinking, theologizing and dogmatization. New creeds, manifestos and religious decrees appear day after day. Do they, devotions and dogmas, conflict each other? Dog- mas and devotions spring from one and the same foundational religious experience. But they branch and bloom differently. However, their relationship is often overlooked. This happens because devotion is some- times degraded as sentimental and superfluous in contrast to dogmas which are considered to be rational articulations of a fundamental expe- rience. This seeming dichotomy is a fallacy because true devotion has to be conceived .~san act of will which naturally presupposes the intelligence and its incessant search to the Beyond and the Boundless. Sensitivity and emotion do add momentum to devotion, but mere sentimental over- flow of feeling is not the basis nor the authentic expression of true devo- tion. Devotion, although related to a God in visible form, always points to that unfathomable mystery which transcends all sensibility and yet is now transmitted to the devotee in a certain name-rap« (name and form) appealing to the total human reality which includes senses, reason and spirit.


Journal Of Dharma, (1990), July- September, 183-184.




How to Cite

Thomas Manninezhath CMI. (1990). Devotions In World Religions. Journal of Dharma, 15(3), 183–184. Retrieved from