
  • Rajesh Kavalackal Dharmaram Vidya Kshetram (DVK)


Anthropology, Methodologies, Praxis, Theological Education, Triple Immersion


Theology is basically a God-talk and as far as Christianity is concerned it is an intellectual endeavour carried out on the basis of faith since faith is the first step for all theologizing activities. The text and contexts are significant factors in this respect and therefore, we have many schools of theology in the Church. From Apostolic Fathers to contextual theologies of the contemporary phenomena there have been tremendous changes taken place in the focus of theology itself. Today theology needs to address matters not in terms of apologetic context and intellectual jargons of the West but as a critical confrontation. We all try to present Jesus as Christus solutio omnium difficultum, Christ is the solution for every problem. In this endower we can adopt two methodologies. Firstly, theology may be concerned with the clearly defined set of doctrines handed down by the apostles. Here theologians and even faithful have only passive role. On the contrary a second model would be concerned with God’s self-gift to his people which they experience and communicate in various ways through symbols, rituals, creeds, doctrines and praxis. Here all have a positive role to play. In this article we rely upon the second model theologizing with their implications since theology is basically theological anthropology.

Author Biography

Rajesh Kavalackal, Dharmaram Vidya Kshetram (DVK)

Fr Rajesh Kavalackal is a member of the CMI congregation. He had his doctorate in Theological Anthropology from the Pontifical University of Gregorian, Rome. He teaches Systematic Theology at Dharmaram Vidaya Kshetram (Pontifical Athenaeum) Bangalore. Presently, he serves as the director of Systematic Theology programme at DVK. He has authored a book, Hominisation and Kingdom of God: A Study on E. Schillebeeckx and M.M. Thomas (Dharmaram Publications, 2018), and has many articles to his credit. His research areas include religion, culture, ecology, and theological anthropology. Email:


K. Pathil and D. Veliath, ed., An Introduction to Theology, Bangalore: Theological Publications in India, 2003.

Samuel Rayan, “Theological education in the Social Context of India Today,” in Felix Wilfred ed., Theological Education in India Today, Bangalore: ATC, 1985.

Gustavo Gutierrez, A Theology of Leberation, New York: SCM Press, 1974.

Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Ethics, trans. Bethge, New York: Macmillian Company, 1955.

K. Pathil, “Rethinking Theological Education in India: New Models and Alternatives: A Discussion with Sebastian Kappan,” Jeevadhara 14 (1984).

Felix Wilfred, Beyond the Settled Foundation, Madras: Department of Christian Studies, University of Madras,1993.

FABC Documents, “Final Statement of the Eleventh Bishops’ Institute for Interreligious Affairs on the Theology of Dialogue,” Sukabumi, 1-7 July, 1988.

Thomas Kochuthara, Dialogue and Liberation: Theology between Local and Global, New Delhi: Inter-Cultural Publication, 1999.




How to Cite

Kavalackal, R. (2018). NEW PARADIGMS FOR AN INTEGRAL THEOLOGICAL EDUCATION TODAY. Asian Horizons, 12(04), 635–646. Retrieved from