Priesthood of The Baptised and of the Ordained

Correlated but Different


  • Jos Puthenveettil Dharmaram Vidya Kshetram (DVK)




In the Year for Priests, priesthood is the prime topic of reflection
and discussion in the whole Church and to some extent also in the
society. As we study the origin and development of priesthood,
we realize that the term ‘priest’ or ‘priesthood’ is used in three
different ways in Christian tradition: 1) The priesthood of Jesus
Christ; 2) the priesthood of the baptised; and 3) the priesthood of
the ordained. The New Testament, however, uses the term ‘priest’
only in connection with the first two senses. Firstly, in the Letter
to the Hebrews, the priestly identity and mission of Jesus Christ is
well depicted. Accordingly, Jesus Christ is the priest or the ‘High
Priest’ par excellence, though He never called himself a priest. His
redemptive ministry of service, culminating in his death and
resurrection, is the definitive act of priesthood, offering authentic
obedient worship to God and atoning for the sins of the humanity.
Secondly, the first Epistle of St. Peter refers to the priesthood of all
the Christians. They are the priestly people of God who are called
to share in the priesthood of Christ in view of continuing His
redemptive mission of establishing the Kingdom of God. However,
in the New Testament, we do not see any explicit reference to the
priesthood of the ordained.

Author Biography

Jos Puthenveettil, Dharmaram Vidya Kshetram (DVK)

Jos Puthenveettil is the professor of systematic theology at Paurastya Vidyāpîtam,
Kottayam and is the author of Priesthood: The Baptised and the Ordained. A Textual
Hermeneutics in the Light of the Church Documents, Delhi, 2006.


“Address of His Holiness Benedict XVI to the Second Group of Bishops of the Episcopal Conference of Brazil (North East II Region) on their Ad Limin’ Visit”, Castel Gandolfo, Thursday, 17 September 2009.

J. Puthenveettil, Priesthood: The Baptised and the Ordained. A Textual Hermeneutics in the Light ofthe Church Documents, vol. II, Delhi, 2006.

Acta Synodalia Sacrosancti Concilii Oecumenici Vaticani Secundi, vol. II:I,

H. Tavard, A Theology for Ministry, Delaware, 1983.

P. Rosato, “La recezione delle nuove categorie dell’ autocomprensione della Chiesa nel postconcilio,” in M. Simone, ed., Il Concilio venti anni dopo, I: Le nuove categorie dell’autocomprensione della Chiesa, Rome, 1984.

M. Scheeben, The Mysteries of Christianity, London, 1946.

P.J. Rosato, “Priesthood of the Baptised and Priesthood of the Ordained: Complementary Approaches to Their Interrelation”, Gregorianum 68 (1987).

R. A. Tartre, The Post-Conciliar Priest: Comments on the Decree on the Ministry and Life of the Priest, New York, 1966. Apostolicam actuositatem 3 & 25.

J. Ratzinger also develops these themes clearly in J. Ratzinger, “Priestly Ministry: A Search for Its Meaning”, Emmanuel. The Magazine of Eucharistic Spirituality, 76 (1970).

J. H. Yoder, The Politics of Jesus, Grand Rapids, 1973.

Paul VI, The Teachings of Pope Paul VI, vol. 4, Vatican, 1968-1978.

K. Rahner, Foundations of Christian Faith: An Introduction to the Idea of Christianity, New York, 1978.

P.J. Rosato, “Priesthood of the Baptised and Priesthood of the Ordained".

PAUL VI, Evangelii nuntiandi, AAS 68 (1976).

M.C. Coomans, “On Formation in View of the Collaboration of

Priests with the Laity”, Synodus Episcoporum Compendium Interventionis, 09.X.1990, E Civitate Vaticana, 1990.

E. J. Kilmartin, “Lay Participation in the Apostolate of the Hierarchy”, in J. H. Provost (eds), Official Ministry in a New Age, Washington D.C., 1981.

K. Rahner, The Religious Life Today, trans., V. Green, London, 1977, 23; LG. 33.

K. B. Osborne, Ministry: Lay Ministry in the Roman Catholic Church: Its History and Theology, New York, 1993.

K. Rahner, “The Sacramental Basis for the Role of the Layman in the Church,” in Further Theology of the Spiritual Life. Theological Investigations, vol.VIII, (trans.), D. Bourke, London, 1971.

K. Rahner, “Theological Reflections on the Priestly Image of Today and Tomorrow,” in Confrontations, Theological Investigations, vol. XII, (trans.), D. Bourke, London.

K. Rahner, “On the Evangelical Counsels,” in Further Theology of the Spiritual Life. Theological Investigations, vol.VIII, (trans.), D. Bourke, London, 1971.

K. Rahner, “The Sacramental Basis for the Role of the Layman in then Church”.

K. Rahner, “Priestly Existence”, in The Theology of the Spiritual Life: Theological Investigation, vol. III, (trans.), K. –H. & B. Kruger, London, 1967.

K. Rahner, “The Priestly Office and Personal Holiness”, in Servants of the Lord, (trans.), R. Strachan, London, 1968.

K. Rahner, “Consecration in the Life and Reflection of the Church”, in Faith and Ministry, Theological Investigations, vol. XIX, (trans.), E. Quinn, London, 1983.

K. Rahner, “Priestly Office and Priestly Life”, in The Practice of Faith: A Handbook of Contemporary Spirituality, K. Lehmann & A. Raffelt, ed., London, 1985

J. T. Farmer, Ministry in Community. Rahner’s Vision of Ministry, Louvain, 1993.

K. Rahner, “Priestly Office and Priestly Life”.

B. Cooke, Ministry to Word and Sacrament: History and Theology, Philadelphia, 1976.

LG. 10.

D. N. Power, Ministers of Christ and His Church: The Theology of Priesthood, London, 1969.

E. J. Kilmartin, “Apostolic Office: Sacrament of Christ”, TheologicalStudies 36 (1975).

S. Butler, “Quaestio Disputata: In Persona Christi: A Response to Dennis M. Ferrara,” Theological Studies 56 (1995).

J. R. Sheets, “Form: The Ordination of Women”, Worship 65 (1991).

R. Michiels, Documentation on Ecclesiology, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, 1988.

D. M. Ferrara, “Representation or Self-Effacement? The Axiom In Persona Christi in St Thomas and the Magisterium” Theological Studies 55 (1994).

J. M. Tillard, “Sacrificial Terminology and the Eucharist”, One in Christ 17 (1981).

D. M. Ferrara, “Representation or Self-Effacement?".

G. Greshake, The Meaning of Christian Priesthood, Dublin, 1993.

E. Schillebeeckx, Christ, the Sacrament of the Encounter with God, (trans.) P. Barret, Kansas City, 1963.

E. J. Kilmartin, “Apostolic Office: Sacrament of Christ”, 243-264.

For a detailed study see also J. Puthenveettil, Priesthood: The Baptised and the Ordained.

M. Evans, “In Persona Christi – the Key to Priestly Identity”, Clergy Review 71 (1986).

W. A. Vanroo, Basics of a Roman Catholic Theology, Rome, 1982.“Address of His Holiness Benedict XVI to the Second Group of Bishops of the Episcopal Conference of Brazil (North East II Region) on their Ad Limin’ Visit”, Castel Gandolfo, Thursday, 17 September 2009.

J. Puthenveettil, Priesthood: The Baptised and the Ordained. A Textual Hermeneutics in the Light ofthe Church Documents, vol. II, Delhi, 2006.

Acta Synodalia Sacrosancti Concilii Oecumenici Vaticani Secundi, vol. II:I,

H. Tavard, A Theology for Ministry, Delaware, 1983.

P. Rosato, “La recezione delle nuove categorie dell’ autocomprensione della Chiesa nel postconcilio,” in M. Simone, ed., Il Concilio venti anni dopo, I: Le nuove categorie dell’autocomprensione della Chiesa, Rome, 1984.

M. Scheeben, The Mysteries of Christianity, London, 1946.

P.J. Rosato, “Priesthood of the Baptised and Priesthood of the Ordained: Complementary Approaches to Their Interrelation”, Gregorianum 68 (1987).

R. A. Tartre, The Post-Conciliar Priest: Comments on the Decree on the Ministry and Life of the Priest, New York, 1966. Apostolicam actuositatem 3 & 25.

J. Ratzinger also develops these themes clearly in J. Ratzinger, “Priestly Ministry: A Search for Its Meaning”, Emmanuel. The Magazine of Eucharistic Spirituality, 76 (1970).

J. H. Yoder, The Politics of Jesus, Grand Rapids, 1973.

Paul VI, The Teachings of Pope Paul VI, vol. 4, Vatican, 1968-1978.

K. Rahner, Foundations of Christian Faith: An Introduction to the Idea of Christianity, New York, 1978.

P.J. Rosato, “Priesthood of the Baptised and Priesthood of the Ordained".

PAUL VI, Evangelii nuntiandi, AAS 68 (1976).

M.C. Coomans, “On Formation in View of the Collaboration of

Priests with the Laity”, Synodus Episcoporum Compendium Interventionis, 09.X.1990, E Civitate Vaticana, 1990.

E. J. Kilmartin, “Lay Participation in the Apostolate of the Hierarchy”, in J. H. Provost (eds), Official Ministry in a New Age, Washington D.C., 1981.

K. Rahner, The Religious Life Today, trans., V. Green, London, 1977, 23; LG. 33.

K. B. Osborne, Ministry: Lay Ministry in the Roman Catholic Church: Its History and Theology, New York, 1993.

K. Rahner, “The Sacramental Basis for the Role of the Layman in the Church,” in Further Theology of the Spiritual Life. Theological Investigations, vol.VIII, (trans.), D. Bourke, London, 1971.

K. Rahner, “Theological Reflections on the Priestly Image of Today and Tomorrow,” in Confrontations, Theological Investigations, vol. XII, (trans.), D. Bourke, London.

K. Rahner, “On the Evangelical Counsels,” in Further Theology of the Spiritual Life. Theological Investigations, vol.VIII, (trans.), D. Bourke, London, 1971.

K. Rahner, “The Sacramental Basis for the Role of the Layman in then Church”.

K. Rahner, “Priestly Existence”, in The Theology of the Spiritual Life: Theological Investigation, vol. III, (trans.), K. –H. & B. Kruger, London, 1967.

K. Rahner, “The Priestly Office and Personal Holiness”, in Servants of the Lord, (trans.), R. Strachan, London, 1968.

K. Rahner, “Consecration in the Life and Reflection of the Church”, in Faith and Ministry, Theological Investigations, vol. XIX, (trans.), E. Quinn, London, 1983.

K. Rahner, “Priestly Office and Priestly Life”, in The Practice of Faith: A Handbook of Contemporary Spirituality, K. Lehmann & A. Raffelt, ed., London, 1985

J. T. Farmer, Ministry in Community. Rahner’s Vision of Ministry, Louvain, 1993.

K. Rahner, “Priestly Office and Priestly Life”.

B. Cooke, Ministry to Word and Sacrament: History and Theology, Philadelphia, 1976.

LG. 10.

D. N. Power, Ministers of Christ and His Church: The Theology of Priesthood, London, 1969.

E. J. Kilmartin, “Apostolic Office: Sacrament of Christ”, TheologicalStudies 36 (1975).

S. Butler, “Quaestio Disputata: In Persona Christi: A Response to Dennis M. Ferrara,” Theological Studies 56 (1995).

J. R. Sheets, “Form: The Ordination of Women”, Worship 65 (1991).

R. Michiels, Documentation on Ecclesiology, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, 1988.

D. M. Ferrara, “Representation or Self-Effacement? The Axiom In Persona Christi in St Thomas and the Magisterium” Theological Studies 55 (1994).

J. M. Tillard, “Sacrificial Terminology and the Eucharist”, One in Christ 17 (1981).

D. M. Ferrara, “Representation or Self-Effacement?".

G. Greshake, The Meaning of Christian Priesthood, Dublin, 1993.

E. Schillebeeckx, Christ, the Sacrament of the Encounter with God, (trans.) P. Barret, Kansas City, 1963.

E. J. Kilmartin, “Apostolic Office: Sacrament of Christ”, 243-264.

For a detailed study see also J. Puthenveettil, Priesthood: The Baptised and the Ordained.

M. Evans, “In Persona Christi – the Key to Priestly Identity”, Clergy Review 71 (1986).

W. A. Vanroo, Basics of a Roman Catholic Theology, Rome, 1982.




How to Cite

Puthenveettil, J. (2009). Priesthood of The Baptised and of the Ordained: Correlated but Different. Asian Horizons, 3(02), 09–24. Retrieved from