
  • Joseph Loic Mben Institute of Theology of the Society of Jesus


Africa, Family, Magisterium, Marriage, Women/Wife, Women’s Role


The present essay centres around magisterial teaching on women’s role in marriage and in the family. The author surveys the conciliar pastoral constitution Gaudium et Spes, the apostolic exhortations on the family, Familiaris Consortio and Amoris Laetitia, documents from the two African synods of 1994 and 2009, as well as a local African book on marriage preparation. What appears is an ambiguous discourse, which on the one hand proclaims the equal rights of women, the legitimacy of their social aspirations, and the rejection of discrimination and inhuman treatment against women; and on the other hand, seems to equate women’s role and personality to domestic duties. One can also discern the association of women’s place in the family with women’s condition in the social realm. In the conclusion, the author argues for a robust use of social analysis and social sciences that will correct some limits and will ground the teaching in the concrete experiences of people.

Author Biography

Joseph Loic Mben, Institute of Theology of the Society of Jesus

Joseph Loic Mben, SJ is a Jesuit from the West African Province. He obtained a PhD in 2018 at Boston College (U.S.A.). Prior to that, he served as parish priest and taught sexual ethics for three years in Abidjan (Cote d’Ivoire). He has contributed book chapters in a couple of books on Cameroonian philosopher Fabien Eboussi Boulaga, and on Cameroonian theologian Engelbert Mveng, and has co-authored a book on reconciliation within a parish. He is presently editing a book on Cameroonian theologian Jean-Marc Ela. Email: loicmben@yahoo.com


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How to Cite

Loic Mben, J. (2018). ON WOMEN IN THE FAMILY: AMBIGUITIES OF CONCILIAR AND POSTCONCILIAR MAGISTERIAL TEACHING. Asian Horizons, 12(02), 274–286. Retrieved from https://dvkjournals.in/index.php/ah/article/view/2204